Lovely stress, it's leaving me...

Stress is an interesting thing, isn't it? It's been discussed a lot - as I do too - and blamed for many, if not all problems, and it's been studied a lot. One thing that I haven't seen yet, it's to be glad it exists.

Now I must say that I'm truly grateful that I have been stressed a lot for years - more or less.

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The many faces of stress

stressi vie vaihtoehdot pois

Under stress we are capable of making decisions quickly, we are ready to either fight or flight and to defend ourselves against an enemy!

We don't have access to all the areas of the brain at that moment so the decisions are not based on rational thinking but instead most likely hasty conclusions.

So any long term planning or decisions aren't recommended when under acute - or long term - stress. Their time comes later on.

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Gratitude relieves depression

What can you do when you're anxious and cannot actually think positively, not to mention be grateful?

This excercise is easy to do. You can do it anywhere - and what's best - you don't need to fool yourself to think positively! Personally I never liked those excercises because I've felt that I would be deceiving myself by denying any negative things to exist in my life. And they do. That's one reason why I like methods like PSYCH-K®. However this excercise felt doable so let's get moving!

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Let the earth help you

paljain jaloin hiekassa

According to scientific studies the connection to the earth can enhance our wellbeing, whether it's about stress relief, aches and pains or inflammatory conditions. According to this article all doctors should recommend people to walk barefoot, sitting or lying in direct contact to the ground.

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Are you still afraid of the virus?

New fears
Monella kuitenkin pelko ahdistaa mielessä ja sydämessä eikä tunnu laantuvan, vaikka Korona on maassamme jyllännyt jo yli kuukauden – niinkuin kausi-influenssat yleensäkin tekevät. Syitä on monia: esim. kun ei tiedä montaakaan asiaa:

how long time will this last?
what if I catch it?
what if my nearest ones catch it?
how to survive if the quarantine lasts for weeks?
Where will I get money because I can't work?
how long time will I have to stay alone?

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Monta ihmistä pitää käsistä kiinni, kuvastaen yhteistyötä

This important Principle of Nature - Collaboration - becomes a prevalent part of life, once it's been balanced within our own subconscious mind. We want to help others, it feels good and we get inner satisfaction from doing it. In nature it's a very important principle, regardless of the old belief of competition and survival of the fittest.

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