We have more in common than differences

kyse on vain käsityksestä

In Finland the Covid19 is soon over - or the worst part of it.

The quarantine brought along many things. After the very strict closing up and separation time, the Italians showed us how we can enjoy each others company without actually being in physical contact. Singing in the balcony brought us lovely songs through the internet, also celebrations and performances by professionals. This was all very new to many of us and unexperienced before.

Whose fault is it?

For a couple of months all we heard every day in every newscast, every newspaper, not to mention the social media, was about the virus. Nothing else was talked about!

Questions that we all wanted to get answered:

Where did it start? How does it spread? What can we do to prevent not to get sick?

And, when in quarantine, can we do anything? Suggestions and contradictory advices were given - depending on the source and day - suggesting that nobody actually seemed to know for sure, of the right way to protect oneself , or to recover from it, or how to stop from spreading it to others. In Sweden all this is starting because the country's different policy from other nordic countries line.

Pretty soon also the blaming took off - depending again on the point of view of the party - towards others, whether they are foreigners or different school of thought.The wiseguysknew of course from the start what's this all about, and were loudly sharing their points of view.


But what if you changed your ancient perceptions about others?

We all ave our own perceptions about illnesses, health issues, life in general, people, many based on the looks, manner of speech, sound and were born mostly in our childhood, youth, and have been hanging about for years in the mind. Questioning them comes into play often only when we are being conflicted. Someone else rejects us for an unexplicalble reason.

Whether we are to blame or not, we're classified and put into boxes or cast, and there we stay until the perceptions change. This classification is very depressing, and can alter our wellbeing and decrease the joy of life for a long period of time.

We have more things in common than different, despite our ostensible differenres. We all want to be happy? - healthy? -and live a joyful and balanced life, right? How could be walk in other's shoes and notice similarities, instead of competing and classifying others?

Changing beliefs - at least with PSYCH-K®- leads to personal growth and evolution, which helps to live our lives according to nature's principles. One that comes into my mind here is co-operation. Believing that by co-operating we achieve more than by competing with each others.More about the Principles of Nature in my website.

Very descriptive remineder is also the video below, which is about the Danes, but we are one, regardless of the nationality!

More information PSYCH-K®at the introductory evenings once a month every Monday night The next Introduction to PSYCH-K® on June 1st, 2020.. Enrollments at my website.

At the moment all personal sessions via Skype only!.

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