You will learn to:

PSYCH-K®Mestari fasilitaatiokurssilla syvennytään itse tasapainotusten tekoon ammattimaisesti, teit sitä sitten työksesi tai et. Tarkoitus on todella oppia ja tulla mestarifasilitaattoriksi, jotta voit luottavaisin mielin tarjota palvelujasi niin etänä internetin välityksellä kuin henkilökohtaisesti kasvotusten.

PSYCH-K® Mestarifasilitaatio-kurssille voivat osallistua Peruskurssin käyneet. Jatkokurssin käyneet saavat myös uutta tietoa ja uusia työkaluja omaan pakkiinsa!

Opit kuinka:

- develop your personal "core connection" statement about PSYCH-K®

- surrogate your Partner when working remotely

- discover spiritual messages that may come up in challenging situations

- conduct a session from start to finish professionally and efficiently


- conduct a session efficiently and powerfully from start to finish via Skype and/Zoom

- benefit from sessions personally when facilitating with others

- deal with exceptions to the Balance procedures, and handle Muscle Testing challenges

step confidently onto the road of mastering the art of facilitating PSYCH-K®!

n addition to these skills, you'll receive a Facilitator’s Manual that will give you a source for additional information on subjects such as marketing, how to conduct an effective presentation of PSYCH-K to groups and organizations, the "do’s and don’ts" of conducting private sessions, and much more.

You will gain a lot of confidence especially when working with other people. Your connection to PSYCH-K® deepens and your confidence to your own facilitation skills escalates to a new level! This course includes a lot of practice, that will open up your eyes to see your own possible points that need improving, which we'll naturally balance during the workshop.

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